Results for 'Taigen Daniel Leighton'

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  1.  10
    Just this is it: Dongshan and the practice of suchness.Taigen Daniel Leighton - 2015 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Teachings on the practice of things-as-they-are, through commentaries on a legendary Chinese Zen figure. The ninth-century Tang dynasty Chinese master Dongshan is an important ancestor of the Zen tradition that has spread widely throughout the world in the twentieth century. He features prominently in koan texts and teaching stories, but he's not been written about or translated much in English yet. Dan Leighton comes to the rescue with this excellent book that takes the texts and teachings attributed to Dongshan, (...)
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    Dōgen's Appropriation of Lotus Sutra Ground and Space.Taigen Dan Leighton - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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    Review of: Thomas Yūhō Kirchner, Entangling Vines: Zen Koans of the Shūmon Kattōshū. [REVIEW]Taigen Dan Leighton - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 33 (1):198-202.
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    Optimizing Magnetoencephalographic Imaging Estimation of Language Lateralization for Simpler Language Tasks.Leighton B. N. Hinkley, Elke De Witte, Megan Cahill-Thompson, Danielle Mizuiri, Coleman Garrett, Susanne Honma, Anne Findlay, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini, Phiroz Tarapore, Heidi E. Kirsch, Peter Mariën, John F. Houde, Mitchel Berger & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Increased striatal functional connectivity with auditory cortex in tinnitus.Leighton B. Hinkley, Danielle Mizuiri, OiSaeng Hong, Srikantan S. Nagarajan & Steven W. Cheung - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  6. Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.Yingying Shang, Leighton B. Hinkley, Chang Cai, Karuna Subramaniam, Yi-Shin Chang, Julia P. Owen, Coleman Garrett, Danielle Mizuiri, Pratik Mukherjee, Srikantan S. Nagarajan & Steven W. Cheung - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:410138.
    Single-sided deafness (SSD) or profound unilateral hearing loss obligates the only serviceable ear to capture all acoustic information. This loss of binaural function taxes cognitive resources for accurate listening performance, especially under adverse environments or challenging tasks. We hypothesized that adults with SSD would manifest both functional and structural brain plasticity compared to controls with normal binaural hearing. We evaluated functional alterations using magnetoencephalographic imaging (MEGI) of brain activation during performance of a moderately difficult auditory syllable sequence reproduction task and (...)
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    Just This Is It: Dongshan and the Practice of Suchness by Taigen Dan Leighton.Christopher Ives - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (2):591-594.
    In Just This Is It: Dongshan and the Practice of Suchness, Taigen Dan Leighton has written a rich introduction to the teachings of Dongshan Liangjie, one of the Chinese founders of the Caodong branch of Chan/Zen Buddhism. Drawing on his expertise as both a scholar and a Zen teacher, Leighton analyzes Dongshan's Recorded Sayings, especially its encounter dialogues, the teaching poem "Jewel Mirror Samādhi," and the doctrine of the five degrees, while also taking up anecdotes about Dongshan (...)
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    (1 other version)The Ohio Hegelians (review).Denys Philip Leighton - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (3):445-450.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Ohio HegeliansDenys P. LeightonSelected and introduced by James A. Good. The Ohio Hegelians. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005. Volume I: Peter Kaufmann, The Temple of Truth (1858). Volume II: Moncure D. Conway, The Earthward Pilgrimage (1870). Volume III: J. B. Stallo, The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics (2nd ed., 1884).This collection of facsimile reprints prepared by James A. Good is one of the newest contributions to (...)
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    Review of Visions of Awakening Space and Time: Dōgen and the Lotus Sūtra by Taigen Dan Leighton[REVIEW]Pamela D. Winfield - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (3):425-427.
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    Review of Dōgen's Extensive Record: A Translation of the "Eihei Kōroku" by Dōgen; Shohaku Okumura; Taigen Dan Leighton[REVIEW]Christopher Ives - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (2):269-271.
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    Engaging Dōgen's Zen: the philosophy of practice as awakening.Jason M. Wirth, Brian Schroeder & Bret W. Davis (eds.) - 2016 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
    How are the teachings of a thirteenth-century master relevant today? Twenty contemporary writers unpack Dogen's words and show how we can still find meaning in his teachings. Engaging Dogen's Zen is a practice oriented study of Shushogi (a canonical distillation of Dogen's thought used as a primer in the Soto School of Zen) and Fukanzazengi (Dogen's essential text on the practice of "just sitting," a text recited daily in the Soto School of Zen). It is also a study of the (...)
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  12.  23
    Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ Path.Catholic Church United States Conference of Catholic Bishops & San Fransisco Zen Center - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):247-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ PathU.S. Conference of Catholic BishopsCatholics and Buddhists brought together by Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met 20-23 March 2003 in the first of an anticipated series of four annual dialogues. Abbot Heng Lyu, the monks and nuns, and members of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association hosted the dialogue at the (...)
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    On Buddhist-Christian Studies in Relation to Dialogue.Francis Tiso - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):iii-vi.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Buddhist-Christian Studies in Relation to DialogueFrancis V. TisoIn taking on the task of co-editing Buddhist-Christian Studies, it would seem appropriate to provide some background by way of introduction. Being a disciple of Brother David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B., a man who refuses to sign his name with capital letters, since the late 1960s, it goes against my grain to write too much about myself. Therefore, the following comments are meant (...)
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    Transformation of Hearts and Minds: Chan Zen--Catholic Approaches to Precepts.Harry Lee Wells - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):155-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Transformation of Hearts and Minds:Chan Zen-Catholic Approaches to PreceptsHarry L. WellsCatholic and Buddhist priests, monastics, teachers, and community leaders participated in the second of an anticipated four annual dialogues. The series is sponsored by the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The conference took place 4–7 March 2004 at Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA, whose own East-West (...)
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  15.  12
    The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims About Markets and Justice.Daniel Finn - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Disagreements about the morality of markets, and about self-interested behavior within markets, run deep. They arise from perspectives within economics and political philosophy that appear to have nothing in common. In this book, Daniel Finn provides a framework for understanding these conflicting points of view. Recounting the arguments for and against markets and self-interest, he argues that every economy must address four fundamental problems: allocation, distribution, scale, and the quality of relations. In addition, every perspective on the morality of (...)
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    Compiling nature's history: Travellers and travel narratives in the early royal society.Daniel Carey - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):269-292.
    SummaryThe relationship between travel, travel narrative, and the enterprise of natural history is explored, focusing on activities associated with the early Royal Society. In an era of expanding travel, for colonial, diplomatic, trade, and missionary purposes, reports of nature's effects proliferated, both in oral and written forms. Naturalists intent on compiling a comprehensive history of such phenomena, and making them useful in the process, readily incorporated these reports into their work. They went further by trying to direct the course of (...)
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  17. Jacobi and Hemsterhuis.Daniel Whistler - 2023 - In Alexander J. B. Hampton, Friedrich Jacobi and the end of the enlightenment: religion, philosophy, and reason at the crux of modernity. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Preferences for redistribution are sensitive to perceived luck, social homogeneity, war and scarcity.Daniel Nettle & Rebecca Saxe - 2020 - Cognition 198 (C):104234.
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  19.  35
    Patrick Manning; Daniel Rood (Editors). Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750–1850. vii + 401 pp., figs., bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016. $49.95 (cloth); ISBN 9780822944546. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Mat Savelli (Editors). Global Transformations in the Life Sciences, 1945–1980. xi + 314 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $45 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945277. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Abigail Owen (Editors). Knowledge in Translation: Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange, 1000–1800 CE. xv + 437 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $55 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945376. E-book available. [REVIEW]Dániel Margócsy - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):852-855.
  20. Kant on fundamental geometrical relations.Daniel Sutherland - 2005 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (2):117-158.
    Equality, similarity and congruence are essential elements of Kant’s theory of geometrical cognition; nevertheless, Kant’s account of them is not well understood. This paper provides historical context for treatments of these geometrical relations, presents Kant’s views on their mathematical definitions, and explains Kant’s theory of their cognition. It also places Kant’s theory within the larger context of his understanding of the quality-quantity distinction. Most importantly, it argues that the relation of equality, in conjunction with the categories of quantity, plays a (...)
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    Causal Explanation in the Social Sciences.Daniel Little - 1996 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (S1):31-56.
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  22. Richard Rorty y la superación pragmatista de la epistemologia.Daniel Kalpokas - 2006 - Critica 38 (113):80-86.
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  23. Behavioural flexibility: a neglected issue in the ecological and evolutionary literature.Daniel Sol - 2003 - In Simon M. Reader & Kevin N. Laland, Animal Innovation. Oxford University Press. pp. 63--82.
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    Międzyosobowy poziom wyjaśniania umysłu i zdolności poznawczych.Daniel Żuromski - 2020 - Filozofia Nauki 28 (2):47-74.
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    In No Time at All.Daniel Vázquez - 2024 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (2):75-90.
    In this paper, I discuss Plato’s famous passage about τὸ ἐξαίφνης (to exaiphnēs) in Plato’s Parmenides 156c–e. I argue that we should resist interpreting this notion as a subset of the now (to nun). Instead, we should understand it as a basic and sui generis feature of the word of becoming, something that has a relative temporal location (in the past, present, or future concerning other events and processes) but does not constitute time (chronos) or is a part of it. (...)
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  26. The care of the self and the care of the other: from spiritual exercises to political transformation.Daniel Louis Wyche - 2025 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    With the broad interest in the concept of "self-care" within popular discourse, there is a growing focus among philosophers, scholars of religion, political theorists, and others on the idea of "spiritual exercises," the ethics of "the care of the self," and attending concepts, yet little has been written on the politics of this broad class of concerns. This book investigates the political consequences of practices of the self in the work of several key 20th-century thinkers-Pierre Hadot, Georges Friedmann, Michel Foucault, (...)
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    Medicine and the market: A research agenda.Daniel Callahan - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (3):224 – 242.
    One of the most important developments in international medicine over the past two decades has been a turn to the market as a way of coping with rising costs and responding to calls for more freedom from government control. A full moral evaluation of the relationship of medicine and the market requires asking a wide range of questions bearing on the meaning and impact of market strategies on the economics of health care and on the clinical and public health outcomes (...)
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  28. Autonomy, social structure, and the economy : freedom within restriction and opportunity.Daniel K. Finn - 2025 - In Christopher J. Insole & Benjamin R. DeSpain, Redeeming autonomy: secular and theological crossings. New York: T&T Clark.
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    Argument in Pascal's Pensées.Daniel Clifford Fouke - 1989 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 6 (1):57 - 68.
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  30. Philosophy and Prophecy: A Discussion of Miriam Galston, Politics and Excellence: The Political Philosophy of Alfarabi.Daniel H. Frank - 1994 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 12:251-258.
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    The politics of fear : idolatry and superstition in Maimonides and Spinoza.Daniel H. Frank - 2011 - In Jonathan Jacobs, Judaic Sources and Western Thought: Jerusalem's Enduring Presence. Oxford University Press. pp. 177.
  32.  27
    To what extent did the British Labour Party emulate the marketing strategies, ideology and policy formation techniques of the United States Democrats during the 1990s and early Twenty-First century?Daniel Frosh - 2010 - Polis (Misc) 3:1.
  33. Michael Gorman, 'A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics'.Daniel Gallagher - 2025 - Philosophy in Review 45 (1):19-22.
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  34. Michael J. Dodds, The Unchanging God of Love: Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Theology on Divine Immutability.Daniel B. Gallagher - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (6):401.
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  35. Emmanuel Lévinas: etapas de vida y pensamiento.Daniel Gamarra - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1).
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    Providence and free will in human actions.Daniel W. Goodenough - 1986 - Bryn Athyn, Pa.: Swedenborg Scientific Association.
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  37. Convivir con la inidentidad.Daniel Innerarity Grau - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (2):361-374.
    Modernity has made identity impossible because of its exigency of a per-fection that is not compatible with human finitude. This is the reason why since Romanticism it has been generalized the attempt of establishing scopes in which man is freed from this duty. There arises also many phenomena that can be understood as aesthetic instances that defend the in-dividual particularity and promote the cultural variety.
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  38. Dialéctica de la liberación: la utopía social de Herbert Marcuse.Daniel Innerarity Grau - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (2):109-128.
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  39. Transcending death : the reasoning of the "others" and afterlife hopes in Wisdom 1-6.Daniel J. Harrington - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow, The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  40. FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna och kvantifierad deontisk logik.Daniel Rönnedal - 2014 - Tidskrift För Politisk Filosofi 18 (2):22–34.
    FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna innehåller en katalog över ett antal mänskliga fri- och rättigheter. I den här uppsatsen argumenterar jag för att det krävs en kvantifierad deontisk logik för att förstå den logiska formen hos flera av de normer som uttrycks i denna förklaring. Jag kommer att gå igenom ett antal argument som intuitivt är giltiga, men som inte kan bevisas i klassisk logik. Därefter kommer jag att visa hur dessa argument kan formaliseras och bevisas med hjälp (...)
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  41. The Double Arguments.Daniel Silvermintz - 2008 - In Patricia F. O'Grady, The Sophists: An Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 147-153.
    Provides an overview of the anonymous work of sophistic rhetoric known as Dissoi Logoi or Double Arguments.
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    (1 other version)On Division of Reason in Kant: The Rupture with the Absolute Rationality System.Daniel Labrador Montero - 2018 - Journal of Humanities of Valparaiso 11:39-74.
    This article intends to show how the philosophy of Kant supposes a rupture with the doctrines based on a system of absolute rationality, where the most important element is the unity of reason. In this way, it will try to underline the main critiques of the Prussian philosopher to theories based on the unity of reason and direct access to reality, as well as exposing the Kantian proposal of a unitary formal rational structure, but with several irreconcilable uses.
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    Personal psychedelic experience of psychedelic therapists during training: should it be required, optional, or prohibited?Daniel Https://Orcidorg624X Villiger - forthcoming - .
    Personal psychedelic experience is common among psychedelic therapists and often considered to be a necessary aspect of training: only personal psychedelic experience allows psychedelic therapists to properly guide patients through their own psychedelic experience, to truly understand that experience, and to help them integrate it into their lives. But is this really true? The present paper examines the value of therapists’ personal psychedelic experience, why this value may be higher than that of personal experience with other psychotropic drugs, and whether (...)
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    Faith without Dogmatism: Karl Jaspers’ Critique of Bultmann's and Barth's Dogmatic Theologies.Daniel Adsett - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (3):287-300.
    In his mature philosophical writings, Karl Jaspers juxtaposes his own theory of reason with what he considers irrational and dogmatising tendencies in the works of Rudolf Bultmann and Karl Barth. On Jaspers's view, both Bultmann and Barth construct theologies that serve as a priori frameworks through which to understand all the contingencies of existence. In opposition to such dogmatisms, Jaspers advances a hermeneutics that forbids, in advance, any permanent conclusions by proposing that we understand religious, artistic, and other approaches to (...)
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    Defining Modern Academic Scholarship: Gershom Scholem and the Establishment of a New (?) Discipline.Daniel Abrams - 2000 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 9 (2):267-302.
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    Lo Transindividual: de Simondon a Marx.Daniel Alvaro - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (4):153-172.
    RESUMEN: El presente artículo trata de lo transindividual, un concepto fundamental en la teoría de la individuación elaborada por Gilbert Simondon, y de su vinculación con ciertas proposiciones de Karl Marx que tratan del individuo y la sociedad. Entre ambos autores existe una relación directa, evidenciada en cada uno de los textos donde Simondon hace mención a Marx y al marxismo en general. Pero también existe una relación indirecta, para nada evidente, que surge menos de lo que Simondon dice acerca (...)
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    The Social Folk Theorist: Insights from Social and Cultural Psychology on the.Daniel R. Ames, Eric D. Knowles, Michael W. Morris, Charles W. Kalish, Andrea D. Rosati & Alison Gopnik - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin, Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press.
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    Is the time ripe for integration of scales?Daniel J. Amit - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):295-296.
    Some concepts relating to learned, structured functioning of local modules in neocortex are clarified in order to ensure that the integration from the small scale to the global attempted by Wright & Liley does not miss the target.
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  49. Federalism in science — complementarity vs perspectivism: Reply to Harré.Daniel Andler - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):519 - 522.
  50. From paleo to neo connectionism.Daniel Andler - 1992 - In G. van der Vijve, New Perspectives on Cybernetics.
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